Well, it's been a little while since I've had a chance to write a new post. But at the moment I'm sitting in a small cafe in Marianna, FL, where the big attraction is the Florida Caverns State Park. Yesterday brought us to Tallahassee, where we stopped to walk around the campus a bit and the downtown, had a bite to eat at a great little place called Andrew's 228 and was fortunate enough to have both a hostess and a waiter who were both more than happy to share their tales of undergraduate experience at FSU with us. Later today, we will be at University of West Florida in Pensacola which should be a wonderful experience, minus the fact that it could be a ghost town as summer programs are not a huge draw for most students who attend UWF. After that it's on to New Orleans to visit U New Orleans and Tulane-- and to have a little r and r. We're really looking forward to every stop on the trip as the drive through North Florida has been beautiful and if I remember correctly, it stays like that the whole way through. The website is nearing completion: www.findabetterU.com. This is exciting. I am pleased with it so far. Some of the text needs to be edited, but all-in-all, it's a big step up. All my best and thanks for reading.
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