February 25, 2012

RSA Animate

Is this what's creating the "stress" that teenagers are running around talking about?
Are we living in a world with so much choice that it's absolutely paralyzing and, thus, limiting our desire to initiate social change?


Brady Norvall, M.A.
Education Counseling

February 16, 2012

A Posse

The benefits of having highly motivated peers who support each other:


Brady Norvall, M.A.
Education Counseling

February 11, 2012

Sort of a first

Usually it's the big-name schools that begin trends like this. Although many of them are pledging more financial aid each year- in order to recruit a more diverse student body- none of the Top-50 universities are doing anything like these few schools:

February 8, 2012

UNC Asheville

The liberal arts university of the UNC system. Why go to the Vatican when they have a near-exact replica of Raphael's The School of Athens, here at the University? It's a collaboration of over 50 student, faculty and local artists, created with more than 15000 hours of effort, spanning 2.5 years. Aside from this, the University seems to be an amazing place to live and learn.

February 7, 2012

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Maybe it's just because the weather is perfect, but this University is really amazing. At only 80 years old, it's considered the younger sister to Chapel Hill and on camus you can see/hear/feel why. On the tour, students were also enthusiastic to point out that UNCC was just named the #17 party school. That's a pretty impressive statistic for a school that's only become residential in past 10 years.

February 6, 2012