This is an email that I just received tonight from a student of mine who is in his freshman year at a really wonderful university. It made me extremely proud and I just thought that I would share it. Note: he even sends regards to Lucy. What a gentleman! I taught him that.
Dude, I felt like this article was you speaking:… It made me think a lot!
Brady, I can't thank you enough for pushing me to leave home when I was making my college decision. I would've missed out on so much if I had stayed back home. I don't know what it is about not being home, but it really has this sort of "vibe", I guess, to strive harder and to survive, since its my only option. Considering the fact that mom and dad aren't here for me to solve my problems anymore. It'll sound crazy, maybe, but this "vibe" motivates me, and has forced me to meet people totally different from me, which is a great thing. Unfortunately for those who stay home, you can't feel the "vibe" until you leave and enter college. So many people will never feel it. That's why it's good to have people like you, pushing people like me, to leave home.
So thanks again dude!
Brady Norvall, M.A.
Education Counseling