November 24, 2014

Mind your "Applicant's Choice" mailers

Loyola Maryland

Don't know why I recall these six since they're all just bait mailings to get students excited.

All my best,
Brady Norvall, M.A.
Founder and Chief Education Officer,
Skype: bradynorvall
Twitter: @FindaBetterU

October 1, 2014

Georgia Tech Dean of Admissions says "19 out of 20 admission essays we read are bad."
If you don't know what you're doing, parents, don't do it!

September 25, 2014

Thanks for reading

All of them are Outliers

I remember the coincidence of a conversation with an admissions friend, wherein we discussed the likelihood of a million dollar donation helping push a student's application through at a variety of different universities and colleges in the United States, with the timing of a family asking me to help them get a meeting with admissions at a very prestigious university so they could propose a donation of a million dollars just months before their daughter would apply. The truth is if every family that could give a million dollars to get their kid into Stanford or Harvard or any of the other "top" universities offered such a gift, there would be far more kids in those schools that the universities are willing to accommodate. At the same time, a million dollar donation to an institution with a multiple-billion dollar endowment is hardly going to move the needle on the admit-o-meter.

So when I recently had a meeting with a (wealthy) family of a high school junior and they revealed to me their plans for their son to attend "either Harvard or Stanford" I found myself a bit underwhelmed. This was not the first time I have heard a proclamation such as this, but it is not often that I have such a conversation with a family in which the student was not even remotely competitive for admission. Granted, they are not from the U.S. and, therefore, unfamiliar with the system, but the statistics are all over the place and the truth is that the 95% of applicants who are not admitted, are nearly all pretty amazing young people- as far as the universities understand the term "amazing". And when I started to use an example for them, describing a recent student who had just begun at one of these universities, the dad cut me off and actually said, "yes, but you're describing an outlier". This dad was clearly used to getting his way. I had a sense that he was a man who believed his money might just move that admit-o-meter at either of these schools. Throughout the entire conversation he continued to argue with me as if I were stating only my opinion and not very experienced, objective truth. When one has been around as many students and university admission decisions as I have, one gains a certain knowledge in which the ability to predict admission outcomes is not terribly difficult.

And this gets us right to the point: because a family has money and privilege does not erase the truth of a student's academic history. If one is not at the caliber necessary, it's very easy for a good professional to know and be able to point out the shortcomings. Can they be improved upon? Of course. Is that going to change the outcome? No. The challenge lies in the family either listening or not. But in this case it was the latter. There was nothing I could do to help them understand that ALL the students who get in are outliers. When the entire pool of applicants is strong, that's what a 5% acceptance rate indicates. When their son told me that there was no way for him to do the IB diploma AND play club soccer, I thought of the hundreds of students I have come across who HAVE been able to do the IB diploma or handfuls of AP courses, as well as maintaining their positions as star athletes, musicians, employees, and a number of other activities. The fact remains that if you are not an outlier—compared with your peers, not just in the minds of your parents—then you're not going to get in. The false notion that there is even a possibility is what has, over the past fifteen years, made this entire process what it is today. Who we can blame for that is an entirely different discussion, but the fact is that perpetuating the myth of admission possibility starts with parents who cannot accept the objective truth.

And by the way, the dollar amount that can make a difference in the admission game: $10 million.

All my best,
Brady Norvall, M.A.
Founder and Chief Education Officer,
Skype: bradynorvall
Twitter: @FindaBetterU

September 20, 2014

And this is why a family hires me and not some "other" counselor

It's about helping with the whole journey, not just one outcome at 18.

September 16, 2014

I run into this every week. Families assume that because they have not heard of a certain university, it must not be good. But families also assume that their kid will do his Bachelor's degree at Harvard because they know someone who knew someone whose uncle was an alumni interviewer in the 90's ... and oh yeah, Harvard DOESN'T OFFER Bachelor's degrees in business!

Skype: bradynorvall
Twitter: @FindaBetterU

September 15, 2014

I would probably add a few:

- Helping write an essay that reads exactly as if A PARENT WROTE IT!
- Encouraging your student to apply to highly ranked schools "just to see what happens".

Skype: bradynorvall
Twitter: @FindaBetterU

September 7, 2014

Required Reading for ALL PARENTS:

The importance of education is to teach students how to think and become creative, interested learners. There is only one way for this to happen (and it can't be FAKED) and this is to have them around creative, interested learner adults and mentors! If we don't teach our kids to engage themselves by demonstrating ourselves as engaged, we are only teaching them to focus on an outcome.
Twitter: @FindaBetterU

August 5, 2014

Go Canada

Choosing university, like life, is all about perspective.
Sometimes it's hard to recognize just how many amazing choices are out there.

July 8, 2014

Well ...

I'm doing this more for the fact that Gladwell's book, David and Goliath, is amazing:

Brady Norvall, M.A.
Education Counseling

May 25, 2014

Reflecting on Privilege

It's both the name of a great book, written like a memoir of Ross Douthat's four years at Harvard, and an idea I am coming up against on a daily basis.
I highly encourage anyone to read the book, of course. But start with this in mind: is privilege something that should be painted across one's college application? Is it something that one wants as an identifying characteristic of his/her life? Privilege, inherently, is not a problem. The problem arises when those with privilege don't realize it.
With two months to go before the college application season begins anew for the senior class of 2015, let's reflect on the type of qualities which OUGHT to be portrayed in an application. Let's not write about the French program in Switzerland or the house-building in Costa Rica. You can do these things, of course. Just don't do them with the intention that they will strengthen how someone sees YOU in an application or essay. You would never mention the hours in time and money you spent with a private SAT tutor, right? Let this be the same idea for the other activities and experiences which only those with privilege can afford.


May 14, 2014

Pacific NW

This is the most beautiful campus I've ever set foot on (in recent memory)!
It's really amazing.

Tell your friends about

May 8, 2014

A great read ...

a parent's transition as their child goes to university:

Brady Norvall, M.A.
Education Counseling

April 16, 2014

The Anxiety of Parenting Today

I don't really care for her style nor some of her points, but there is a lot of truth in what she speaks.

April 11, 2014

April 8, 2014

It will never stop

Like I always say, Stanford won't be happy until their admit rate hits 0%:

March 24, 2014

Another testing article

This gives a bit more of a perspective on the ACT vs. SAT debate and how the SAT will be restructured in two years:

March 6, 2014


It's about time they make this test something that honors learning versus just preparation.

February 19, 2014

February 16, 2014

Thanks to a great parent I know

People always think I'm saying voodoo for telling their kids to test early and often. The SAT/ACT are just tests of familiarity, people. Start freshman year. Take it once or twice. Again in sophomore year. Then you know what you're walking into when it counts the most-- you'll actually be the most well-prepared, which is different than well-prepped-- during junior year. If you don't believe ME, people, take the advice of the high school senior who wrote this.

By the way, the one TIP he's missing: finish high school in 3 years. The 4th year is a waste, socially, intellectually, and emotionally. It's a giant throw-away year that ends up hurting more kids than it helps, just because of the anxiety it causes. Study hard and long and get out early. Think of all the amazing things you could do with a free year at 17! Or just go to college one year sooner. Trust me, it won't hurt your applications.

January 23, 2014

And Another ...

"One reason English majors tend to earn less than business majors, for instance, is that many lit-loving 18 year olds  aren't particularly motivated by money, and want careers in, say, PR or journalism (or even teaching!) that are short on pay, but meet their interests. Saying business majors earn more only because of what they studied is like saying having lots of Nike running shoes in your closet makes you a faster runner. No. People who care about their mile times and love to run are more likely to have more running shoes, in the first place. Business majors tend to be more salary-focused than poetry majors. It's a classic self-selection bias."

Brady Norvall, M.A.
Education Counseling

H=MC or Humanities = More Cash